plasma injection

Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP therapy

Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP therapy for hair loss treatment. This treatment aims to solve the problem of hair loss and thinning by using enriched plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood.

PRP injections are obtained from cells called platelets in the blood. Platelets naturally contain growth factors and proteins and promote tissue healing. In the treatment of hair loss, PRP injections strengthen the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. It makes hair look thicker and healthier.

This method of treatment is quite simple and fast. First, some blood is taken from the patient. Then, the blood is separated from the platelets using a centrifuge device, and enriched plasma is obtained. The resulting plasma is injected into the scalp through thin needles and is usually focused on problem areas.

PRP injections nourish the hair follicles, increase blood circulation, and stimulate hair growth. It can also stop hair loss and make hair look thicker, stronger, and healthier.